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Showing posts with the label google

Add me to Search:Google India's New Feature that will help people to list them self in Google Search

 Yeah finally it's here, Google has made a new feature (currently available in India) in their Google Search called " add me to search" , which is a virtual visiting card and it will help people to list themself in the Google Search. The feature will contain information such as  Image/Avatar Name Location About Occupation Hometown Website Email Social profiles Twitter Instagram FaceBook YouTube LinkedIn Pinterest SoundCloud Work Education Phone number Name and Email will be automatically extracted from the Gmail account you're currently signed in to. If you want to list yourself in the Google Search, you just have to search " add me to search" in google search , and select the first result link by Google and Start filling. This feature is only available in google search mobile versions.

Search Engine Optimization-SEO

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION-SEO....? Hello, guys in this article I'm going to tell you about what is SEO and how it works, and related things.And how we can implement SEO techniques in our blog or website.  If you want to get your blog ranked better on Google or any other search engine it is important to know some basic SEO techniques. Optimization of your blog is crucial if you want to have more attendance. We will mention five techniques that will help you optimize better your blog, in order to get more money from AdSense: • You should give your posts as many links as you can that is not linked to your blog. Such link is called “inbound link” and Google loves them. When other sites link to you, Google looks at your site as more important than the first one. It also means that whatever you do on your blog related to search engines it will have more effect. • A good title is a key to search engine optimization. You should make your headlines so that they explain what is o...

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